Nur Fadhilah Syam is a lecturer at the Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Indonesia. She completed her undergraduate degree in Mathematics Education at Riau University in 2015 and received her title in Master of Mathematics Education at Yogyakarta State University in 2017. Her teaching interest is in Analysis Real, a branch of Mathematical Analysis.
Rusi is also actively engaged in the writing and publication of scholarly works focusing on Polya Questioning Instruction approach. Her most recent publications include Efektivitas Multimedia Interaktif untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran Geometris Siswa Kelas VIII (2019) and Keefektifan Pendekatan Polya Questioning Instruction untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran Geometris Siswa (2019). Moreover, she has presented her scientific work, Can Goal-Free Problems Facilitating Students’ Flexible Thinking? in the AIP Conference Proceedings in 2017.
Finally, Rusi received The Excellence Scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in 2016 for her Master of Mathematics Education Program at Yogyakarta State University.