Guest Lecture: “Academic Writing for Thesis”

June 26, 2024

The Master’s Program of English Education (S-2 TBI) from Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN North Sumatra Medan (UINSU) organised a Guest Lecture with the theme “Academic Writing for Thesis”. This event took place on Wednesday 26 June 2024 using Zoom Meeting Media and was attended by all students, lecturers, and academic staff of S-2 TBI. This activity aims to support students’ writing skills in writing academic especially Thesis.

In his words, Mr Maslathif Dwi Purnomo, Ph.D as the Head of Master’s Program of English Education revealed “Guest Lecture is the first activity of S-2 TBI Study Program and it will be carried out every month by presenting speakers from various University in Indonesia.” This event was opened by Mr Dr Muhammad Dalimunthe as Vice Dean 2 FITK. He explained “I really appreciate this activity because this activity is very useful for all students. Mostly students still have problems in Academic Writing. Hopefully the students can have critical writing skills in writing their thesis.”

The Guest Lecture was Mrs Anugrah Imani, Ph.D., Head of Master’s Program of English Education at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Mrs Ima, as she is called, started her presentation by telling the use of English in academic writing must be appropriate and precise. Academic Writing is a scientific writing that requires standardised language and the language must be appropriate for academics. The material presented included the basic structure of thesis writing, effective writing techniques, how to choose words and language that are suitable for thesis, and tips on using AI in thesis writing. Mrs Ima also emphasised the importance of making strong arguments and supporting them with relevant data and in-depth research.

In addition, participants were given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss directly with Mrs Ima about the challenges that are often faced in writing a thesis. Some students asked about how to find the right literature and how to organise references efficiently. The Q&A session was dynamic and interactive, showing high enthusiasm and interest from the participants. One of the students, Diah Khoirunnisa, expressed that the session was very helpful and provided new insights on how to start and finish thesis writing well.

The event ended with the awarding of a certificate to Mrs Anugrah Imani, Ph.D as a gesture of gratitude for her willingness to share her knowledge and experience. The participants also hope the Guest Lecture can help them in accomplishing their thesis better. By organising this Guest Lecture, it is hoped that students of UIN North Sumatera Medan can be better prepared to face the challenges of academic writing and produce quality scientific works.

Here are the photos and video link for the zoom meeting at the Guest Lecture event on June 26, 2024