Medan, Indonesia – On September 13, 2024, the Master’s Program in English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training (FITK), State Islamic University of North Sumatra (UINSU), and the Master’s Program in Linguistics, College of Education, Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Philippines, held their first International Joint Conference. This prestigious event, attended by around 200 postgraduate students from FITK UINSU, marks a milestone in academic cooperation between the two institutions. The conference was held as a hybrid event, with both virtual and in-person participation, focusing on contemporary issues in education and linguistics.


The conference featured two highly esteemed keynote speakers. Prof. Florante P. Ibarra, Ph.D., from Central Luzon State University, presented an insightful lecture on the integration of linguistic diversity in Southeast Asian education, discussing how regional language policy can create more inclusive educational environments.

From Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Tien Rafida, M.Hum, highlighted innovative teaching methodologies for English language education in Indonesia. She emphasized the need to blend local cultural wisdom with modern pedagogical strategies to create more contextualized and engaging learning experiences for students.

Additionally, Dr. Magdalena Rojas Lynch from Boston University, USA, provided a global perspective on linguistic research, with a focus on bilingualism and multilingualism. Her presentation explored how these global trends are influencing education systems worldwide and offered fresh insights for linguists and educators alike.


This joint conference represents the first realization of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between UINSU and CLSU earlier this year. The MoU signifies a formal commitment to fostering academic cooperation between the two institutions. Speaking on the significance of this event, Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, M.Ag., the Rector of UINSU, remarked:

“This conference is not only an academic platform but also a historical moment for both UINSU and CLSU, as it brings to life the promises outlined in our MoU. This is just the beginning. We are eager to see this partnership grow and flourish with future collaborative programs, including research exchanges, joint publications, and student mobility initiatives. We look forward to strengthening this relationship further.”

Prof. Dr. Tien Rafida, M.Hum., the Dean of FITK UINSU, also expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration:

“This event is a major milestone for FITK. We are proud to have partnered with CLSU for this conference, and we are excited about the various future programs that will follow. This MoU opens up opportunities for our students and faculty to engage with global academic communities and bring international perspectives into our classrooms.”


In addition to this successful conference, both institutions are planning to develop various collaborative programs, including joint research projects, faculty and student exchanges, and future academic conferences. Maslathif Dwi Purnomo, Ph.D., Head of the Master’s Program in English Education at FITK UINSU, emphasized the importance of continuing these initiatives:

“This conference is only the beginning. Our MoU with CLSU sets the stage for a wide range of academic activities that will benefit our students and faculty. We envision future joint research efforts, workshops, and exchange programs that will further enrich our academic environment and strengthen ties between our institutions.”


The conference saw an enthusiastic response from the 200 postgraduate students attending from FITK UINSU, who actively participated in the discussions. Many raised questions on applying research findings in local contexts and shared their thoughts on the challenges faced in Indonesian education. This dynamic interaction between students and international scholars demonstrates the potential for growth and collaboration in future programs. As the first major step in the partnership between UINSU and CLSU, this International Joint Conference not only sets a solid foundation for ongoing academic cooperation but also opens doors to a future filled with exciting joint endeavors that will enhance the academic experience for all involved.