Maslathif Dwi Purnomo, born on May 12, 1982, in Lamongan, East Java, is a lecturer in Discourse Analysis at the State Islamic University (UIN) of North Sumatra, Medan. He completed his undergraduate study at the State Islamic University (UIN) of Malang in the Department of English Language and Literature. He earned his Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics (English) from the State University of Medan (UNIMED) and his Ph.D. in Multimodal Discourse Analysis from Charles Sturt University, Australia.
He has participated in various international forums, including as a speaker at the International Free Linguistics Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the International Conference on Humanities and Civilization in Bangkok, Thailand, the International Australian Linguistics Conference in Melbourne, Australia, and others. Additionally, he is actively involved in several international organizational forums, such as being a member of the Association of Qualitative Researchers of Asia, the Australian Linguistics Society, the Linguistic Society of Indonesia, and others.
He is also an active writer for various national newspapers and has published several books, including Semantics for Higher Education Students, The Power of Language, and Discourse Analysis for Higher Education Students.
He currently serves as the Head of the Master’s Program in English Education at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University (UIN) of North Sumatra, Medan.
Reflina has served as a lecturer at UIN Sumatra Utara Medan since 2016. A woman who was born in Lampung, April 7 1989 completed her undergraduate education at State University of Padang in 2011 and then she continued to the Masters level at the Indonesian Education University and finished it in 2014. During her career as a lecturer, she has published many works such as several books and scientific publications both at the national and international levels. She also frequently obtains research grants from 2019 to 2024. In addition, she actives as an editor and reviewer of nationally reputable education journals. In 2019 she was the secretary of the English Education study program and in 2023 she was appointed as the secretary of Masters’ Program of English Education at UIN Sumatra Utara Medan for the period 2023-2027.