Discussions Roadmap Research in S-2 English Tadris (TBI) of Study Program

Discussions Roadmap Research with Permanent Lecturers

The S-2 English Tadris (TBI) of the Study Program held an important discussion on the research roadmap. This discussion was attended by all the permanent lecturers of the S-2 English Tadris (TBI) of the Study Program to formulate the research plan that will be carried out in this study program.

One of the main points in the discussion was to formulate a research roadmap that could contribute significantly to the development of the English curriculum and teaching methods at the S-2 level. The lecturers in the study programme shared innovative ideas covering various aspects, ranging from improving the quality of learning to using technology in English Language Teaching.

Several proposed research topics include:

1. Development of Technology-Based Teaching Methods: This research will focus on the integration of the latest technology in the English language teaching process to improve student skills.

2. Analysis of the Energy Needs of English Teachers in the Digital Age: This study aims to understand the demands and needs of English language teachers facing the changing digital age.

3. Evaluation of the English Tadris Curriculum: This study will evaluate the effectiveness of the existing curriculum and suggest necessary changes according to the latest developments.

4. Application of Innovative Learning Methods: This research will explore and test new learning methods to improve student understanding and skills.

Finally, all lecturers agreed that this discussion was a significant first step in directing the focus of research in the most relevant and impactful direction. They hoped that the outcome of this discussion would be the basis for future research that could make a real contribution to the development of the English language at the postgraduate level.