International Seminar on Education Explores “EFL in the Global Teaching Context”

Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia – English Education Master’s Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Program at The State Islamic University of North Sumatera (UIN-SU) is set to host an international seminar on education with the theme “EFL in Global Teaching Context.” The event is scheduled to take place on October 4th, 2023, from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM WIB (Western Indonesian Time) at the Aula UIN Sumatera Utara in Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia.

This seminar aims to explore and discuss the challenges and opportunities of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education in the global teaching context, with a particular focus on its relevance in international education.

Keynote Speaker:

  • Professor Muhammad Najib, Ph.D (Indonesian Embassy for Australia)

Focus Speaker:

  • Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, M.Ag (Rector of UIN-SU Medan)

Welcome Speech by:

  • Prof. Dr. Tien Rafida, M.Hum (Dean of FITK, UIN-SU Medan)

Distinguished Speakers:

  1. Professor Amrin Saragih, MA., PhD (State University of Medan)
  2. Professor Amirul Mukminin, Ph.D (Jambi University)
  3. Professor Florente P. Ibarra, Ph.D (Central Luzon State University, Philippines)
  4. Professor Waqdi Rashad Ali Bin Hady (Hadhramaut University, Yemen)
  5. Professor James Arvanitakis, Ph.D (Western Sydney University, Australia)

The seminar also invites scholars and educators to submit research papers under the following topics:

  1. English Education in the International Challenges
  2. EFL in the Global Teaching Context
  3. Education Management in the Indonesian Context

Selected papers from the seminar will have the opportunity to be published in the SINTA 2 index and other SINTA levels. Additionally, all accepted papers will be published in the International Proceedings with an Electronic ISSN (E-ISSN).

For more information and registration details, please refer to the seminar’s official flyer. This international seminar promises to be a platform for robust discussions and the sharing of insights in the field of English education, fostering collaboration among educators and researchers from around the world.